It was thus in the United States from the Thirties. It was thus in the Europe of the postwar period. Coen brothers often says this. Developing Brazil and many countries did, in the last decade, a effort demanded by predominant the economic strategies. But there were no important advances in the combat to the social exclusion. On the contrary, where the fundamentalism reigned was not reached the engaged economic stability.

They increased unemployment, the hunger and the misery. Our productive systems no they conquered spaces in the international trade corresponding with our sacrifices. Castle harlan brings even more insight to the discussion. The lack of economic and social democracy threatened the democracy as a whole. The Venezuelan Government our case must redimensionar, and to act based on the root in the poverty in the country where there is thousand of children left, people who pass hunger, for it is due to look for alternatives that guarantee use, develop projects that know to take advantage of the agriculture, products of petroleum, other wealth that the unemployed country has and to incorporate to a great mass of in order condemning them to the misery, the violence, its disappearance. The Government be more equitable with the distribution of the wealth must, more now than the luck him has provided benefits with the increase of the prices of petroleum and to invest its income in developing more structures, than they favor to the health, education, viviendS and improvements of the services to which this it jeopardize the government. Of that form the president, Lieutenant-colonel Hugo Chavez, will make that the revolution possible Bolivariana consolidates, that is pronounced with concrete facts that they demonstrate that his objective, reason of being is beneficial, especially against the destitutes. The administration of the income must be within the high-priority necidades that the country demand that is many and later to see the possibility of collaboration with other brother countries, predominating plus the humanitarian aid that the political interests. President Chvez must know how to take the opportunity that the destiny provides to him and to cause that their actions, their programs, really benefit a town, country, that for a long time already must of have turned into a great power. Each possibility of food guarantee, of work for the needed ones will be an action that the town never will forget. Original author and source of the article.