Experience shows that virtually no patients who can not help. Even if the patient, in severe cases, can not completely eliminate distortions, it is possible to change the load on the lower limbs of the body and relieve the area of thumb for recovery normal operation of the foot without pain. Before treatment. After treatment. A disease 'HALLUX VALGUS'. "Bones" or "bumps" on his feet in the area (I) of the big toe inconvenience almost every woman. Hallux valgus, the so-called illness to professional language, which affects more often after 45-50 years, but now the problem has become acute, and at an earlier age. Accepted for believing that the "bumps" on his feet in the area (I) of the big toe ailment predominantly feminine, although it is not, it suffers a strong half of mankind.

(I) , place of bone tissue. Big toe deviates outward, and often "runs into" the neighboring fingers, resulting in fingers twist, stop becomes ugly. In addition, swollen joints causes pain, swelling, blisters, inflammation. Previously thought that the main cause of hallux valgus are the genetic and endocrine disorders. More than 20 years of experience in medical work Benditskogo ie orthopedists, surgeons and reabilitogom showed that the first place the cause of the formation of 'HALLUX VALGUS' is incorrect loading of the whole body and a violation of the entire musculoskeletal system, leading to instability in the main reference point – the foot.