All to this surrender universopara to try the great influence of its workmanships on the pblicoleitor or, simply, to be awarded for a ouvisita commentary that it of stimulaton for the composition of one another page. Pormeio of this tool of communication, Brazil if discloses as one pasde reading of poets, contistas and cronistas as much how much not to podamosimaginar. Taking care of to the new demand of literary and cintfica production, WEB oportuniza arrived of great talentos at the global sphere almost queimediatamente. New writers and new writers, having very queaprender, but dividing, democratically, the same inclusion space. Yes, because he this way has those that are giving to the first steps literary naproduo; they say: ' ' Bruno, gives one looked at and aqui says if this to me a poem mesmo' ' ; another one: ' ' It is a chronicle what I wrote or a story? ' ' ; ' ' This text serves to the New Coletnea? ' ' Optimum it is that all we are learning with this new reality.

I believe that an error would be an immense precipitation to judge the virtual processes deproduo, aculturalizao, a banalizaocultural. It wanted to see Brazil reading and today I see it going more beyond. um Brazil that reads and that it writes more. I speak exactly for me, agoraescrevo more, much more As professor of the public net, cujosalrio abens of consumption would hinder the access to any book at the cost of the extremely necessary abstinence, the eliterria digital inclusion propitiated for the net it has me fact, despite still algumaslimitaes, a happyer person and a renewed professional more. Amolivros, I love the text, I believe that much we have to improve, however, I recognize in these new times the great chance to serevolucionar the agreement and to form beneficial alliances for the futuroeducacional of the country.