Tag: music

Frank Zander – Here Comes Kurt (reloaded 2011)

“The new single from Frank Zander – here comes Kurt (reloaded 2011) here comes Kurt, without helmet and belt!” What sounds to many people like a winged pun from primeval times, was Zander and Hanno Bruhn but actually penned by Frank. The extremely cool Aristo Micki hero, the pike-perch in a Munich discotheque noticed and he was now musically, debuted in 1990 in the top 10 of the German and Austrian sales charts and celebrates its 21st birthday in 2011. As a gift for all DJs and Kurt fans there is the reloaded now 2011 version”, produced by the dancefloor experts 3select music” from Austria. And who knows Kurt and his creator Frank Zander, who knows that is celebrated this anniversary not just like with a normal CD. There are the new and old Kurt in a limited edition”also on vinyl, as a super sound Maxi in blue transparent well even after 21 years, Kurt is just extremely cool… “Oh yes 2009 Frank Zander was incidentally with the song here comes Kurt” by media control and the RTL chart show to the most successful German comedy – artist of all time. “Artist information: Frank Zander is 1977 by the industry journal”Musikmarkt”to the most successful German artists chosen because of a ban… Oh, Susi”-the censored song is locked of all Bavarian broadcasting stations and always somehow different to the super hit in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland – a typical walleye, against the current, uncomfortable but unmistakable and unnachahmbar.

For 40 years, swings, celebrated, or RAPS to the native Berliner with fancy panels or pseudonyms by German-language show business with countless hits without ever to disappear from the scene. He started his career first as a graphic designer to then, in the early 1970s, but the music to choose. He enters as a singer and guitarist with the gloomy Moon singers (later Gloomys) and was his trade mark for all the times to have received despite a tonsillitis on tour with the result: the voice of the grater. In February 2011 walleye is lifted then symbolically Schroder by Abou in the RTL show on the throne and receives his eternal place in comedy Olympus and Zander sings which song? “Well the coolest of all time: without helmet and belt…” His greatest successes, there is now finally on the current best of madness”DCD with the best of 40 years Frank Zander. It is a double CD with really all hits of one of the most versatile and successful artist has to offer Germany. Source: Zett records more information: and release: 20.05.2011 Maxi – CD 1. Here comes Kurt (reloaded 2011) – 3select club short mix 2. Here comes Kurt (reloaded 2011) – 3select club long mix 3. Kurt want to dance reloaded 2011 (Kurt’s mega mix) 4. Here comes Kurt (the original 1990) 5 Kurt want to dance (the original 1990) 12 “Super sound Maxi color vinyl: A – here comes Kurt (reloaded 2011) – 3select club long mix A – here comes Kurt (the original 1990) B – Kurt wants to dance (reloaded 2011) Kurt’s Megamix

Microsoft Word

You must check the compatibility of your product or service with your potential customer. In other words, don’t assume that any client can use a format file specific. For example, not everyone has a copy of Microsoft Word on your computer. Some people use Mac computers or with any other operating system. If your product is only useful for people living in certain geographical area you must specify it in your sales page and that have a business on the Internet easily you can have customers anywhere in the world and it is really frustrating to buy a product that might not serve you why live in the wrong hemisphere. Once your sales page, what follows is to create a page of downloads or information about obtaining your product. This second page, the downloads, is that your customer will see immediately after paying for your product or service. Customer will only come to this page if your credit card data were approved.

On this download page you should thank your client by making your purchase, you must provide an email address for technical support if required, remind your customer to a charge will appear on your credit card by the amount paid and collect additional information from your client in case if necessary. Once the customer arrives at the downloads page will already have paid for your product or service, therefore you must make sure of placing the necessary instructions so that your client can get your product or service as quickly as possible. You must not distract it with advertising or links to other products not purchased since this will only confuse and will create potential problems. The best thing you can do is have a simple download page and deliver exactly what they gave in the beginning. If your product can be downloaded (exe, zip, pdf, doc, etc. format) must include a direct link from your downloads page. Also you should include detailed instructions on how should be run or open the file.

Once your sales page and downloads are already ready, you must make sure that the entire system is operating properly. Performs a fictitious purchase (the processing company charges in) line must allow you this option) through all stages of your sales process to be sure there are no errors in the. When you have collected these 3 aspects (the sales page, billing online service and the downloads page) you can automate your sales process so that it does not depend on you. The key to this Automation lies in that once a prospect find your web site, read your sales page and decides to purchase your digital product should be directed into the secure server of your collections online service so that you make the payment by the exact amount and the chosen product. After approved payment, collections online service must redirect your customer to the downloads page you have configured in your service account. And this page of downloads must already have the information needed to deliver your product or service to your customer without having to lift a finger. You may be selling your product or service while on vacation and even while you sleep. The only thing that should worry about is attention custom clients, answer questions about your product, etc.